We invite you to experience Eight Settler's unique menu offerings and enjoy our line of spirits!
Eight Settlers is a marriage between the traditional western vintage look of the 1850’s with the more modern twist of the second industrial revolution. Our vision and idea derived from the early settlers who founded Union in 1849 to the emergence of the settlements of Butler Bench, Poverty Flats and Danish Town. These settlements inspired us to design a space unique and creative, likely to please even the most discerning. We played with our use of space and divided it into thematic rooms and areas that are a tribute to the settlers and settlements that originally developed between 1848 and 1872 in the area where Eight Settlers currently resides.
by Local Lexi
For those of us who are motivated by the reward of a cool beer or cocktail, here is your ideal list of Utah adventures paired with a premium adult beverage.
by Local Lexi
For those of us who are motivated by the reward of a cool beer or cocktail, here is your ideal list of Utah adventures paired with a premium adult beverage.
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