Membership Agreement

Membership Terms and Conditions

This Terms and Conditions of membership is a legal agreement between you/your organization, and the Utah Ski and Snowboard Association (Ski Utah), a non-profit organization which sets forth the terms and conditions of membership. You understand that the rights of membership, including the right to identify membership, begin only when you have been notified that your application for membership has been accepted.

Membership Dues and Fees:

Ski Utah membership is open to individuals involved directly/indirectly with the ski and snowboard industry. Ski Utah charges $699.00 for our annual member dues which are valid from date of payment through June 30, 2023. Once you/your company becomes a member of Ski Utah, you will have full access of all listed Ski Utah member benefits:

  • A complimentary listing on
  • Invitations to all Ski Utah member events including monthly board meetings, member networking days, lunch and learn sessions and all other member events.
  • Access to Ski Utah’s annual research.
  • The ability to use Ski Utah’s name and logo according to section and A and B.
  • The opportunity to advertise in Ski Utah’s Weekly Stoke eNewsletter and on
  • The opportunity to display Ski Utah’s Official Snow Report inside your business or on your website.
  • Weekly informational member eNewsletters.
  • Automatic priority on Ski Utah's Gold and Silver pass waiting list. 

Membership Ethics:

Ski Utah is a collaborative membership program. Your membership with Ski Utah may include benefits that help facilitate introductions/interactions to other Ski Utah members. In the event that Ski Utah receives any complaints from other Ski Utah members/sponsors regarding your conduct, actions, communications and/or activities related to Ski Utah in any way; such complaint(s) may result in immediate termination of this Agreement, by Ski Utah in its sole discretion.

Membership Term and Termination:

This agreement is applicable for the term of your membership (from date of payment through June 30, 2021). This shall be the term beginning after you have been notified that your application for membership has been accepted by Ski Utah and ending on termination, expiration or cancellation of your membership in Ski Utah or any earlier termination of this Agreement by Ski Utah (“Term”). Unless terminated as provided herein, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, renewing annually, at the beginning of each fiscal year of Ski Utah’s acceptance of your application for membership. You shall be obligated to pay dues, assessments, or fees which accrued prior to the effective date of termination, expiration or cancellation. This Agreement shall be suspended upon the suspension of your Ski Utah membership.

Ski Utah shall have the right, in its complete and sole discretion, to terminate the agreement if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement and as such, breach this agreement. Ski Utah shall not be responsible for a refund of any fees and charges paid by the member prior to termination of this agreement.

Ski Utah shall have the right, in its complete and sole discretion, to terminate the agreement for convenience five days after provision of written notice, provided however, in the event of an exercise of this right, Ski Utah shall refund any annual dues previously paid by the member at a prorated rate based upon the termination date of this agreement.

You may terminate this agreement at any time. Ski Utah shall not be responsible for a refund of any fees and charges paid by the member prior to termination of this agreement.

Payment of Dues/Fees:

All members are required to pay for $699.00 for membership dues and other assessments applicable to your membership, as established from date of payment through June 30, 2023 by Ski Utah. Ski Utah may establish reasonable additional fees for late payments on membership dues and advertising costs.

These dues may be deductible as a business expense but not as a charitable contribution.  Contact your financial advisor for information.  15% of these dues may be used for lobbying purposes.

(A)Your Use of the Ski Utah Name and Logo:

By using Ski Utah’s Name and/or Logo, you are taking an affirmative action to signify that you are entering into a legal agreement and affirmatively agree to be bound by the terms of the agreement as set forth below including those additional terms and conditions as may be stipulated in any referenced or accompanying documentation. If you do not agree to be bound by the terms of the agreement as set forth below, do not obtain or use the name and/or logo. The name and/or logo may be obtained directly from Ski Utah staff in the form of a graphic file contained on computer media.

(B) License to Identify Membership:

During the Term of this Agreement, Ski Utah grants you a nonexclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable limited license to use the Ski Utah name and logo only as stated below in the following printed media whether as printed or “online” materials and electronic broadcast media: eNewsletters, posters, mail, flyers, yellow pages or other directory advertising, telephone, television or radio spots, invoices, and other standard business documents for the limited purpose of conveying notice of your membership in Ski Utah. You agree that the Ski Utah name and logo may not be otherwise used, copied, reproduced or altered in any manner. Nothing in this agreement, or in your use of the Ski Utah name and logo, will give you any right whatsoever in the Ski Utah name and logo, or in any similar marks, beyond the right granted in this agreement.

Upon any termination, expiration, cancellation or suspension of your membership or the term of this agreement, you shall discontinue all use of the name and/or logo. Furthermore, Ski Utah has an absolute right to terminate, cancel, suspend or withdraw your license at any time.

The name and logo may not be used in any way as to represent approval by Ski Utah of the content of media with prior written permission of Ski Utah. A copy of any proposed media must accompany all requests for permission.

The name and logo may not be used in any way as to represent an endorsement or certification by Ski Utah of any product or service offered by you. Nothing in this agreement or in your use of the name and/or logo shall confer any endorsement or approval of your products or services or of you.

The name and/or logo are the property of Ski Utah and may only be used by a member of Ski Utah during that member’s period of membership.

You may display the name and/or logo anywhere on your website at your primary internet domain name. Your online use of the name and/or logo will be linked, at a minimum from the most prominent reference to the name and/or logo on the respective page, to the Ski Utah website at (or such other address as shall be established).

The name and/or logo are protected by trademark and copyright laws and international trademark and copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties and contain intellectual property exclusive to Ski Utah. All rights, interest, title to, and ownership and intellectual property rights in, the name and/or logo and all copies remain with Ski Utah.

You are expressly prohibited from utilizing the name and/or logo for any purpose not permitted in this agreement, including copying the name and/ or logo, other than to make a single copy of the name and/or logo in machine-readable format for back-up or archival purposes. You are permitted to make such copies for your internal use only. You may not modify the name and/or logo or create derivative works based upon the name and/or logo or any part of the name and/or logo.

You may not distribute copies of the name and/or logo to third parties. You must comply with all applicable laws regarding the use of the name and/or logo. Ski Utah reserves all rights not expressly granted.


If any provision of this agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, all other provisions shall remain valid, unless such validity would frustrate the purpose of this agreement, and this agreement shall be enforced to the full extent allowable under applicable law and a substitute, valid, and enforceable provision most nearly reflecting the original intent shall be developed in place of the invalid provision. No modification to this agreement is binding, unless in writing.

This agreement shall be governed by and construed under, and the legal relations among the parties hereto shall be determined in accordance with, the laws of the State of Utah, excluding conflict-of-law principles that would cause the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction.

This agreement is the entire agreement between you and Ski Utah relating to the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals, and representations with respect to its subject matter except for the bylaws which are themselves integrated into this agreement.

Ski Utah reserves the right to change this agreement and/or its terms at any time and may eliminate the license granted herein with respect to you individually or all members collectively at any time. Any change to this agreement and/or its terms shall be effective as of the date of posting to the website of Ski Utah or actual notice to you, whichever is earlier.


Any questions regarding your application, membership, or this agreement should be provided directly to the director of sales and membership, via email -